Source code for hpestorapi.storeonce3

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#   (C) Copyright 2017-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#   not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#   a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#   WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#   License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#   under the License.

.. module:: hpestorapi.storeonce3
    :synopsis: Module with HPE StoreOnce Gen3 disk backup device

.. moduleauthor:: Ivan Smirnov <>, HPE Pointnext DACH & Russia

import copy
import logging
from os.path import join, normpath, isdir, isfile
import pickle
import socket
import warnings
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ETree

import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning

if __name__ == "__main__":

LOG = logging.getLogger('hpestorapi.storeonce')

[docs]class StoreOnceG3: """ HPE StoreOnce Gen 3 disk backup device implementation class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, address, user, password, cookie_dir=None, port=443): """ HPE StoreOnceG3 constructor. :param str address: Hostname or IP address of HPE StoreOnce disk backup device. :param str user: Username for HPE StoreOnce disk backup device. :param str password: Password for HPE StoreOnce disk backup device. :param str cookie_dir: User name for HPE StoreOnce disk backup device. Its recommended to create dedicated user with limited rights. It's a bad idea to use "Admin" account. :param int port: (optional) Custom port number for StoreOnce device. :return: None. """ self._address = address self._user = user self._password = password self._port = port # Default timeouts: # ConnectionTimeout = 1 second # ReadTimeout = infinity self._timeout = (1.0, None) self._auth_cookies = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar() # Get cookile file path if cookie_dir is not None: if os.path.isdir(cookie_dir): ip_addr = socket.gethostbyname(self._address.strip()) self._cookie_file = f'{cookie_dir}/{ip_addr}.cookie' LOG.debug('Cookie filename:%s', self._cookie_file) else: LOG.warning('Cookie directory is not available. Path: %s', cookie_dir)
@property def _base_url(self): """ Generate static part of URL. :rtype: str :return: Static part of URL """ url = f'https://{self._address}:{self._port}/storeonceservices' return url def __del__(self): self._cookie_save() def __str__(self): class_name = self.__class__.__name__ return f'<class hpestorapi.{class_name}(address={self._address})>'
[docs] def query(self, url, method, **kwargs): # Filter allowed kwargs to option dict allowed = ['params', 'json', 'auth', 'cert', 'headers', 'cookies'] option = dict() for key in kwargs: if key in allowed: option[key] = copy.deepcopy(kwargs[key]) # Add standard headers for all requests headers_default = {'Accept': 'text/xml', 'Content-Type': 'text/xml'} if 'headers' in option.keys(): headers_default.update(option['headers']) option['headers'] = headers_default LOG.debug('headers=', option['headers']) # Add auth cookie for all requests if 'cookies' not in option.keys(): option['cookies'] = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar() option['cookies'].update(self._auth_cookies) # By default SSL cert checking is disabled certcheck = kwargs.get('verify', False) # Set connection and read timeout (if not set by user) timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', self.timeout) # Prepare request path = '%s/%s/' % (self._base_url, f'{url}'.strip('/')) session = requests.Session() request = requests.Request(method, path, **option) prepped = session.prepare_request(request) resp = requests.Response() LOG.debug('%s("%s", timeouts=%s)', method, path, timeout) # Perform request with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=InsecureRequestWarning) try: resp = session.send(prepped, verify=certcheck, timeout=timeout) deltafmt = '%d.%d sec' % (resp.elapsed.seconds, resp.elapsed.microseconds // 1000) except Exception as error: LOG.fatal(error) raise error LOG.debug('StoreOnce return status %s, delay %s', resp.status_code, deltafmt) # Check Rest service response if resp.status_code == # Replay last query if self._is_expired(resp): if return self.query(url, method, **kwargs) else: LOG.warning('resp.url=%s', resp.url) LOG.warning('resp.content=%s', resp.content) LOG.warning('resp.reason=%s', resp.reason) return resp
[docs] def get(self, url, **kwargs): """ Perform HTTP GET request to HPE Storeonce disk backup device. Method used to get information about objects. :param str url: URL address. Base part of url address is generated automatically and you should not care about it. Example of valid url: 'cluster' or 'cluster/servicesets'. All available url's and requests result are described in "HPE StoreOnce 3.18.2 REST API developer Guide" :param RequestsCookieJar filter: (optional) Filter cookies, that was generated by method :meth:`StoreOnceG3.filter` :param int timeout: (optional) :rtype: (int, string) :return: Tuple with HTTP status code and xml string with request result. For example: (200, '<xml> ... </xml>'). """ if filter is not None: # TODO pass resp = self.query(url, 'GET', **kwargs) return (resp.status_code, resp.content.decode('utf-8'))
[docs] def post(self, url, **kwargs): """ Perform HTTP POST request to HPE Storeonce disk backup device. Method used to create new objects. :param str url: URL address. Base part of url address is generated automatically and you should not care about it. Example of valid url: 'cluster' or 'cluster/servicesets'. All available url's and requests result are described in "HPE StoreOnce 3.18.2 REST API developer Guide" :rtype: (int, string) :return: Tuple with HTTP status code and xml string with request result. For example: (200, '<xml> ... </xml>'). """ resp = self.query(url, 'POST', **kwargs) return (resp.status_code, resp.content.decode('utf-8'))
[docs] def put(self, url, **kwargs): """ Perform HTTP PUT request to HPE Storeonce disk backup device. Method used to update objects. :param str url: URL address. Base part of url address is generated automatically and you should not care about it. Example of valid url: 'cluster' or 'cluster/servicesets'. All available url's and requests result are described in "HPE StoreOnce 3.18.2 REST API developer Guide" :param int timeout: (optional) :rtype: (int, string) :return: Tuple with HTTP status code and xml string with request result. For example: (200, '<xml> ... </xml>'). """ resp = self.query(url, 'PUT', **kwargs) return (resp.status_code, resp.content.decode('utf-8'))
[docs] def delete(self, url, **kwargs): """ Perform HTTP DELETE request to HPE Storeonce disk backup device. Method used to delete objects. :param str url: URL address. Base part of url address is generated automatically and you should not care about it. Example of valid url: 'cluster' or 'cluster/servicesets'. All available url's and requests result are described in "HPE StoreOnce 3.18.2 REST API developer Guide" :param int timeout: (optional) :rtype: (int, string) :return: Tuple with HTTP status code and xml string with request result. For example: (200, '<xml> ... </xml>'). """ resp = self.query(url, 'DELETE', **kwargs) return (resp.status_code, resp.content.decode('utf-8'))
[docs] def open(self, cookie_load=True): if cookie_load: if self._cookie_load(): return True resp = self.query('/cluster', 'GET', auth=(self._user, self._password)) if resp.status_code == self._auth_cookies = resp.cookies LOG.debug('Authentification success') return True LOG.fatal('Cant authentificate on storeonce appliance') return False
def _cookie_load(self): if not hasattr(self, '_cookie_file'): return False if not os.path.isfile(self._cookie_file):'Cant open cookie file. ' 'Filename = "%s"', self._cookie_file) return False # Open cookie file try: file = open(self._cookie_file, 'rb') except OSError as error: LOG.error('Cant open cookies file. Filename = "%s"', self._cookie_file) LOG.error(error) return False # Load cookie from file with file: try: cookie = pickle.load(file) except pickle.UnpicklingError: LOG.error('Cannot load cookies from cookie file. Broken file' 'format. Filename = "%s"', self._cookie_file) return False else: LOG.debug('Auth cookie succefully loaded from file.') if cookie: self._auth_cookies = cookie LOG.debug('Cookies successfully loaded from file.') return True return False def _is_expired(self, request): page = ETree.fromstring(request.content) msg = page.find('./errors/error/message') if msg is not None: if 'Your session has expired.' in msg.text: LOG.debug('Session has expired.') return True LOG.warning('Session has not expired') return False def _cookie_save(self): if not hasattr(self, '_cookie_file'): return False # Truncate cookie file try: file = open(self._cookie_file, 'wb') file.truncate() except OSError as error: LOG.error('Cannot write to cookie file. ' 'Filename = "%s"', self._cookie_file) LOG.error(error) return False # Save auth cookies to file with file: try: pickle.dump(self._auth_cookies, file) except pickle.PicklingError as error: LOG.error('Cannot save cookies to file.') LOG.error(error) return False LOG.debug('Cookie saved to file succefully.') return True
[docs] def iterate(self, url, items): return Iterator(self, url, items)
def _set_timeout(self, timeout): if isinstance(timeout, (float, int)): self._timeout = (timeout, timeout) elif isinstance(timeout, tuple): self._timeout = timeout def _get_timeout(self): return self._timeout timeout = property(_get_timeout, _set_timeout) """ :var float|tuple timeout: Number of seconds that Rest API client waits for response from HPE StoreOnce Gen 3 before timeout exception generation. You can use different timeouts for connection setup and for getting first piece of data. In this case, you should use tuple(float, float) with first value - connection timeout and the second value - read timeout. Or if you want to use same values for both type of timeouts, you can use one float value. 'None' value can be used instead to wait forever for a device response. Default value: (1, None). """ def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass
class Iterator: def __init__(self, device, url, items): self.device = device self.url = url self.items = items # Data page content = None # Current element index on the data page self.index = 0 # Is there any pages after current self.last = True # Waypoint cookies for pagination self.cookies = None def __next__(self): if is None: # Request first data page resp = self.device.query(self.url, 'GET') else: self.index += 1 # Return item from current data page if len( > self.index: return[self.index] # Request next data page if not self.last: resp = self.device.query(self.url, 'GET', cookies=self.cookies, params={'list': 'next', 'count': 1000} ) self.index = 0 else: LOG.debug('It was last page. Iteration stopped.') raise StopIteration xmldoc = ETree.fromstring(resp.content) # Save waypoint cookies for paginated answers hasnext = xmldoc.find('./properties/nextPageAvailable') if hasnext is not None: # Multipage request if hasnext.text == 'true': self.cookies = resp.cookies self.last = False elif hasnext.text == 'false': # Last page reached self.last = True else: LOG.fatal('Unknown value in multipage answer ' 'nextPageAvailable=%s', hasnext.text) # Parse device response = [] for item in xmldoc.findall(self.items):, method="xml").decode('utf-8')) # There aren't items with requested tag if not LOG.warning('Cannot find requested tags in server response. ' 'Tag: "%s"', self.items) raise StopIteration # Return first item from current data page return[0] def __iter__(self): return self