Source code for hpestorapi.storeonce4

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#   (C) Copyright 2017-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#   not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#   a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#   WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#   License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#   under the License.

"""Module with HPE StoreOnce Gen4 disk backup device."""

import logging
import os
import pathlib
import warnings

import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning

from hpestorapi.base import BaseDevice, tracer, AuthError, ParameterError

if __name__ == "__main__":

LOG = logging.getLogger('hpestorapi.storeonce')

[docs]class StoreOnceG4(BaseDevice): """HPE StoreOnce Gen 4 backup device implementation class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, address, username, password): """ HPE StoreOnce Gen 4 disk backup constructor. :param str address: Hostname or IP address of HPE StoreOnce device. :param str username: Username for HPE StoreOnce device. :param str password: Password for HPE StoreOnce device. :return: None. """ super().__init__() self._address = address self._username = username self._password = password self._verify = False self._headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
@tracer def _query(self, url, method, **kwargs): # Set SSL cert checking verify = kwargs.pop('verify', self._verify) # Set connection and read timeout (if not set by user) timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', self.timeout) # Add standart and auth headers to parameter list kwargs.setdefault('headers', dict()) kwargs['headers'].update(self._headers) # Prepare request path = '%s/%s' % (self._base_url(), url.strip('/')) LOG.debug('%s(`%s`)', method, path) request = requests.Request(method, path, **kwargs) prep = request.prepare() # Perform request with runtime measuring with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=InsecureRequestWarning) try: session = requests.Session() resp = session.send(prep, timeout=timeout, verify=verify) deltafmt = '%d.%d sec' % (resp.elapsed.seconds, resp.elapsed.microseconds // 1000) except Exception as error: LOG.fatal('Cannot connect to StoreOnce device. %s', error) raise error # Check Rest service response if resp.status_code not in [200, 201, 202, 204]: LOG.warning('Return code %s, response delay %s', resp.status_code, deltafmt) LOG.warning('resp.content=%s', resp.content) LOG.warning('resp.reason=%s', resp.reason) else: LOG.debug('StoreOnce return status %s, delay %s', resp.status_code, deltafmt) # Check JSON string and return response try: jdata = resp.json() except ValueError: if resp.content: LOG.warning('Cannot decode JSON. Source string: %s', resp.content) return resp.status_code, None return resp.status_code, jdata # success = True, data = json
[docs] @tracer def open(self, verify=False): """ Open new Rest API session for HPE StoreOnce Gen 4 disk backup. You should call it prior any other requests. Do not forget to call :meth:`StoreOnceG4.close()` if you don’t plan to use current session anymore. :param bool|str verify: (optional) Either a boolean, in which case it controls whether we verify the Rest server’s TLS certificate, or a string, in which case it must be a path to a CA bundle to use. By default: False (do not check certificate). :return: None """ # Check verify parameter if isinstance(verify, bool): LOG.debug('SSL cert verification set to: %s', verify) elif isinstance(verify, str): LOG.debug('Trying to use custom server ssl certificate. ' 'PEM file bundle path: %s', verify) # Lets try to check .pem file permissions pem = pathlib.Path(verify) if not pem.is_file(): LOG.error('SSL certificate file (.pem) cannot be ' 'opened. Wrong file path. Path: %s', verify) if not os.access(verify, os.R_OK): LOG.error('SSL certificate file (.pem) cannot be ' 'opened. Wrong permission. Path: %s', verify) else: # Invalid type fot `verify` parameter LOG.fatal('Invalid type for `verify` parameter. Must be bool or ' 'str.') raise ParameterError('Invalid type for verify parameter. ' 'Type: %s' % type(verify).__name__) # Message body for authentification request body = {'username': self._username, 'password': self._password, 'grant_type': 'password'} # Perform authentification request try: status, data ='/pml/login/authenticatewithobject', json=body, verify=verify) except requests.exceptions.SSLError as error: LOG.fatal('SSL certificate verification error.') raise error # Check device response if status == 200: # 200 => Session succefully opened auth = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {data["access_token"]}'} self._headers.update(auth) self._verify = verify elif status == 401: # 401 => Wrong credentials LOG.fatal('Cannot open Rest API session for StoreOnce G4 device ' '- wrong user name or password. StoreOnce address: %s', self._address) raise AuthError(data)
[docs] @tracer def close(self): """ Close Rest API session. You don't need to run it manually if you use context manager. :return: None """ # Session was not opened before if self._headers.get('Authorization', None) is None: return # Lets try to close session on StoreOnce G4 device try: status, _ = self.delete('/pml/login/delete') except Exception as error: LOG.warning('Session was not closed properly. ' 'Exception occured: %s', error) else: if status == 204: LOG.debug('Session succefully closed.') else: LOG.warning('Session was closed with status code: %d', status)
[docs] def get(self, url, **kwargs): """ Perform HTTP GET request to HPE Storeonce G4 disk backup device. This method used to get information about objects. :param str url: URL address. Base part of url address is generated automatically and you should not care about it. Example of valid url: '/rest/alerts' or '/api/v1/management-services/licensing'. All available url's and requests result are described in `HPE StoreOnce REST API <>`_ :param dict json: (optional) A JSON serializable object to send in the body of request. :param dict params: (optional) Dictionary with url encoded parameters. :param float|tuple timeout: (optional) How many second to wait for the Rest server response before giving up. By default use same value as :attr:`StoreOnceG4.timeout`. :rtype: tuple(int, dict()) :return: Tuple with HTTP status code and dict with request result. For example: (200, {...}) or (204, None). """ return self._query(url, 'GET', **kwargs)
[docs] def post(self, url, **kwargs): """ Perform HTTP POST request to HPE StoreOnce G4 disk backup device. This method used to create new object. :param str url: URL address. Base part of url address is generated automatically and you should not care about it. Example of valid url: '/rest/alerts' or '/api/v1/management-services/licensing'. All available url's and requests result are described in `HPE StoreOnce REST API <>`_ :param dict json: (optional) A JSON serializable object to send in the body of request. :param dict params: (optional) Dictionary with url encoded parameters. :param float|tuple timeout: (optional) How many second to wait for the Rest server response before giving up. By default use same value as :attr:`StoreOnceG4.timeout`. :rtype: tuple(int, dict()) :return: Tuple with HTTP status code and dict with request result. For example: (200, {...}) or (204, None). """ return self._query(url, 'POST', **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, url, **kwargs): """ Perform HTTP DELETE request to HPE StoreOnce G4 disk backup device \ array. This method used to remove objects. :param str url: URL address. Base part of url address is generated automatically and you should not care about it. Example of valid url: '/rest/alerts' or '/api/v1/management-services/licensing'. All available url's and requests result are described in `HPE StoreOnce REST API <>`_ :param dict json: (optional) A JSON serializable object to send in the body of request. :param dict params: (optional) Dictionary with url encoded parameters. :param float|tuple timeout: (optional) How many second to wait for the Rest server response before giving up. By default use same value as :attr:`StoreOnceG4.timeout`. :rtype: tuple(int, dict()) :return: Tuple with HTTP status code and dict with request result. For example: (200, {...}) or (204, None). """ return self._query(url, 'DELETE', **kwargs)
[docs] def put(self, url, **kwargs): """ Perform HTTP PUT request to HPE StoreOnce G4 disk backup device array. This method used to modify objects. :param str url: URL address. Base part of url address is generated automatically and you should not care about it. Example of valid url: '/rest/alerts' or '/api/v1/management-services/licensing'. All available url's and requests result are described in `HPE StoreOnce REST API <>`_ :param dict json: (optional) A JSON serializable object to send in the body of request. :param dict params: (optional) Dictionary with url encoded parameters. :param float|tuple timeout: (optional) How many second to wait for the Rest server response before giving up. By default use same value as :attr:`StoreOnceG4.timeout`. :rtype: tuple(int, dict()) :return: Tuple with HTTP status code and dict with request result. For example: (200, {...}) or (204, None). """ return self._query(url, 'PUT', **kwargs)
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() def __str__(self): class_name = self.__class__.__name__ return f'<class hpestorapi.{class_name}({self._address})>' def _base_url(self) -> str: return f'https://{self._address}'